


Boat Regs

Rangers manager Ally McCoist (left) with Chief Executive Charles Green (right) hold a Rangers top  to announce the club's new shirt sponsor.Pictures Martin Shields Herald and Times Group.

Click here to read the guidelines for the use of boats in the Clyde

Click Here for Rules for Motorised craft operating on the River Clyde upstream of Albert Bridge


Boats & Equipment



We have a variety of boats ranging from fast launches to kayaks, with specific boats required to suit different locus and operations.

Click here to learn more

Click here to learn about the Lady Sarah


Squinty Bridge


Click Here to see a list of the Bridges along the Clyde.



Squinty Bridge


Click Here to see a Safety lecture prepared for start of the 2021/22 season.


Water Safety Features Interactive Map

Use this interactive map to view the locations of water safety features. Users can also click on any feature to view furtherinformation relating to the location

Safety Comments

Love thy dog. Be kind to all animals.

dogRiverSadly, there have been articles in the media recentlyabout people losing their lives to save their dog from drowning. It is myexperience that dogs manage mostly to save themselves. Oh, the number of timesI have had to recover the body of someone who went after their dog, and the dog was standing on the banking looking for their missing owner, watching therecovery.

Surely, we can try not to let our dogs get intothe position where a decision has to be made as to whether the dog requiresassistance or not?

I walked beside the river this morning goingfor my Sunday papers. I passed 12 dog walkers. 9 dogs were off the lead, 3 wereon the lead. Now, don’t get me wrong, I was a dog owner for years and there islittle better than watching a dog running free enjoying itself, but I kept mydog on a lead when near a waterway. Dogs are notorious for chasing wildlife,swans, geese squirrels etc which is surely unfair to these creatures whousually panic.

I have sadly seen the result of someonethrowing a ball into a waterway for their dog to fetch, the dog doesn’t bother,and the owner falls in trying to retrieve the ball themselves.

The danger is exacerbated when there is ice onthe water. The dog runs across the ice, and the ice gives way. Unbelievablethere has been owners who don’t seem to understand that if the ice cannot takethe dogs weight, it will not take their weight. They sadly found out to theircost. The dog should have been on a lead.

Wind, snow and ice are probably close at hand. Let’sthink, let’s behave responsibly, responsibly to our dogs, to the terrifiedanimals they chase, and to the children and the less experienced who may copyus.

Muck in the river

muckRiverSorry folk if you are getting fed up looking at oil, grease, trees, sewage and other debris on theriver, but we have to keep showing it in the hope that someday someone will listen and clean it up. We no longer get the oil from the steel works or therailway; we do not get the dyes from the tanneries or the paper mills, they have all shut down. There were other works that spewed muck into the river, they also have now gone.

The river should now only be good almost clean rainwater instead of all this filth. All sorts of ideas are being put forward for use ofthe river, with lots of money being spent on developing these ideas. Please, let’s get the river surface clean first, let’s get rid of the dead trees before they fall into the water, let’s stop sewage going in. We do not think people wish to come down to the river and see this, let alone go afloat on it.